Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Week is Coming to an End...

The turkeys that John fixed for lunch turned out wonderful - as I knew they would. He got them in the oven at 5 this morning. They were finished with enough time to let them cool a little before having to carve them. This evening we had sloppy joes for supper. Out of 55 people there were only a handful that did not eat the sloppy joes. Several of them asked what a sloppy joe was. John discovered the best way to describe it was to say it was like a chili bun. I think some of the ones that didn't eat a sloppy joe tonight were loving the fact that they had a choice in what they could eat. If they said they didn't want a certain thing they didn't have to eat it. Exercising some independence.

The mud pit & slip & slide were this evening. We watched a little of the mud pit activities. I took some pictures on my cell phone but am having difficulty getting them sent to the parents I wanted to send them to. Oh well maybe I'll go to those campers & ask how to send the picture to their parents. They could probably tell me or better yet send the picture for me :)

The campers will go home tomorrow - some will come back next week, some will come back next summer. We pray they have matured in their faith - whether it be coming one step closer to accepting Christ as their Savior, accepting Christ as their Savior or growing in their relationship with Him.

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