Wednesday, July 22, 2009

108 mouths

Did you know that 108 mouths can...
  • make a lot of loud noise
  • consume a whole turkey and 2 turkey breasts
  • be very quiet when the cabin inspection story is read
  • consume 3 gallons of corn
  • squeal LOUDLY when the cabin inspection winner is revealed
  • consume almost 3 boxes of mashed potatoes
  • squeal even MORE LOUDLY when the updated scores are revealed
  • sound beautiful singing choruses before the meals
On top of the turkey, corn, mashed potatoes & salad, I made a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Nowhere near the 50+, I made for supper last night. Tomorrow morning is scrambled eggs & cinnamon rolls. John & I stayed in the dining room after supper and cracked 15 dozen eggs for breakfast. Tomorrow morning I will lay out about 200 cinnamon rolls and then bake them. I'm planning on getting to the dining room around 6:15-6:30 in the morning to work on that.

I remember when I was a counselor we referred to Wednesday as "hump day". That was because it took so long to get to Wednesday and then it went quickly after Wednesday. We pray that in these next 48 hours, which will go by so quickly, the children will realize there is a Savior who loves them so much more than any person on earth could ever love them. We pray they develop a personal relationship with Him or strengthen the one they've already developed.

1 comment:

-J said...

Very creative! I love it!