Thursday, July 2, 2009

How time flies!

I looked at the calendar today & realized that we have now had more weeks of 2009 summer camp than are left. Where has the summer gone? In just a little over a month the public schools will be starting. We pray each camper will take what they have learned this summer and share it with their friends at school.

This week we had 14 on the list. One little girl, who is signed up to come all summer, has bronchitis. She is staying home to get better. Today four campers - siblings/cousins - did not come. One had been up all night with his stomach bothering him. In the process of him being up all night, the rest of the family was up all night also. All children were kept home to rest. The family ended up in the emergency room at some point and the sick camper is being scheduled for an emergency appendectomy.

The counselors are tired. One has been to see the doctor.

As you can see, all counselors & "all summer" campers are wearing down. Pray with us that rest is received this weekend. We know it will be hard with all the celebrations going on. Thank you for praying with us and for us!

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