Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday morning routine

Our usual Sunday morning leave home to get to church time is about 7:45 a.m. We go to an adult only Bible Study (a.k.a. Sunday School) hour at 8:30. Since we teach a children's class at 11, I like to get to church before our first hour to get my classroom set up. That includes making sure I have enough copies of coloring sheets, necessary supplies for the craft if there is one, the memory verse written on the board, etc. We aim to get to church at 8 a.m. The man who makes the coffee for the Bible Study hours discovered we arrived that early so asked us if we would stop at the kitchen and take the coffee down to the classrooms. We agreed. So we have quite a busy morning.

We do our class promotion the first Sunday of August. Today the children got the papers announcing promotion day. They were all excited. All summer they have been disappointed that they are still dismissed as the K class. We're in first grade now they say. I asked the children's director if I could have some postcards. I would like to send a postcard to all my students telling them I've enjoyed having them in my class this year. I also like to send a welcome class note to the ones coming up to my class.

Our lesson in the K class today was on Peter being released from prison. That is one of my favorite stories. I love Rhoda. She was so excited she left Peter knocking at the door. Some of the stories the children have never heard but today's story they had. They were excited to let me know what happened. Kind of stole my thunder...but I am glad they are excited about telling what Jesus has done.

Camp starts bright and early tomorrow morning. This is a day camp only week. As far as I know we still have only 3 signed up to come. I guess Fun Fest being this week is keeping them from committing. We hope and pray more sign up to come. Regardless the 3 will have an excellent week.

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