Tuesday, July 14, 2009

To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord

Camp is going great this week. We ended up with 5 campers. One little boy who came last week is back. His mother is in the hospital after developing some complications from surgery she had had last week. This very active little boy is staying with his grandmother. She called Sunday evening and wondered if we would have room for her grandson to come this week. He came. One of the other staff families have a son so they asked him to be a camper this week also - just so T. wouldn't be the only boy camper this week. It doesn't take long to prepare food for 5 campers. Now next week will be a different story. We're expecting somewhere near 50. Many of the campers are returning because they have heard we are having a real, live cowboy next week.

John spent this morning and then part of the afternoon at the hospital. A friend of John's was admitted Sunday evening. We went yesterday evening. The outlook wasn't good. They said she only had 24-48 hours to live - but that was between her and God. This morning she was having a fine tube inserted into her carotid artery to look at her heart and a few other organs. When John went back after lunch, he was allowed to visit her. As he was holding her hand and praying for her, she was welcomed into Heaven and looked upon our Savior's face for the first time. She was only 48.

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