Saturday, July 11, 2009

Birthday Celebration

Today was birthday celebration day for the niece who will turn 5. She ran to the car to greet us proudly showing off her newly painted fingernails & toenails - she was barefoot. She had painted them herself and also accidentally painted her thumb. I think she was quite proud of her painted thumb. Her dress was a pink plaid. "Aunt Kathy, this doesn't look like pink but that is the color it is," she said.

We took the kitty cat cake inside and the rest of the groupies started arriving. Grandparents from both sides of the family, her paternal great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins & honorary grandparents. The birthday girl became very wound up and twirled all around the living room to speak to everyone.

Her favorite color is purple so the tablecloth was a plastic purple. Paper plates which had happy birthday on them were used for the dinnerware. Lunch consisted of grilled hot dogs, chips, potato salad, watermelon, soft drinks, tea, lemonade, three cakes - the kitty cat cake which we made, a blackberry cobbler which she had also requested and then a carrot cake for her father who will celebrate his birthday in a few days - and 5 different kinds of ice cream. I hope I haven't left anything out. There was quite a feast.

We all sat in our normal places except the birthday girl had a request that her papaw sit beside her - she didn't want him to feel left out. (Usually a great-uncle sits beside her). The older sister decided she could eat 2 hot dogs. Her father gave her 1/2 hot dog for her second. She regretted it afterwards because she had a tummy ache. But became quite alert when it was time to open the presents.

Upon opening each present the birthday girl exclaimed, "oh this is what I always wanted" and then would proceed to use that gift. Her daddy or older sister would have to remind her she had more presents. I sat beside the sister and would hear, "oh that is what I want for my birthday" or "I hope I get that for my birthday". Hopefully I will remember some of those things come the next groupie gathering.

Little brother woke up after the presents had been opened so he became the center of attention. Neither girl minded because they were so busy playing with all the new toys, coloring in the new coloring books and trying to figure out all the stickers in the new sticker books.

After birthday celebration we went to John's parents and gathered summer and zucchini squash from their garden and also a few beets to take back to my mother. We took some of the squash and all the beets to my mother. John helped her move some boxes from the attic down to another sister's bedroom. She will be coming home on her home ministry assignment in a few days. Then went back up to birthday girl's home to deliver some squash up there. Their squash has been attacked by beetles. They were excited to get the squash. Little brother was up for another feeding so I sat and talked to him.

We are now at home. I'm doing a few loads of wash before bed. Tomorrow will be church. And then Monday will start another week of camp.

1 comment:

-J said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!