Saturday, July 18, 2009

Monday's Coming!!!

When we left camp on Friday, we had 71 signed up to come to camp this week. About 18 of those 71 are day campers. Some of these are being sent courtesy of a lady who works with children who come from "disadvantaged" situations. I say "disadvantaged" because they might have the latest and coolest gadget but they don't have parents who love them or the Lord. Also their parents are busy buying the latest and coolest gadgets for their children (& sometimes drugs, alcohol & who knows what else for themselves) that they don't have the money to truly take care of their families (health insurance, clothing, etc). Most of these children will be coming at a reduced cost if any. I pray that these children will see that serving the Lord is far better than serving our selfish desires.

My sister made it home safely from Japan. I was able to see her this morning at the library. Actually she came to camp to see me last night but John & I had already left for the funeral of the lady who died earlier in the week. It was good to see her. Hopefully we will be able to dine together tomorrow at our parents' home.

The balloons & fireworks are tonight. They signal the end of Fun Fest. We're not even going to go. There is always so much traffic. And then there are people everywhere. You can't go anywhere without bumping into someone.

John was able to mow and weedeat around our house this afternoon. I am almost finished with the laundry. I am glad we didn't have any plans for today. I'm getting ready to vacuum the living room floor. It hasn't been vacuumed since camp started. It will feel good to get that done.
It has been good to just bum around here and get things done.

John also starts on a new medication tonight. Hopefully this will help his headaches. His CT scan came back positive. The one side effect of this new to him medication is insomnia. I'm praying that doesn't happen for him. Although most of the people who have reported that say it just lasts for a week or two. Then they feel so much better.

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