Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hungry campers!

Today has been a somewhat different food day. Not that the food we serve has been different, except for lasagne instead of spaghetti. The campers have been hungry. Usually on the Tuesday during teen week, the campers are "not hungry". Now some of that could be because they're still trying to impress others. Today we have seen none of that. These campers have been hungry. There was only a little of the lasagne left from lunch and none of the ham & cheese sandwich melts from supper were left. They also ate all the lunch salad & supper vegetable sticks - which is quite unusual for campers. Usually we staff (who are serving) are the ones who eat salad because there is not much of the other food left. Today by the time we got to eat there was NO salad left. We pray that while the campers are here we feed them spiritually as well as physically. We pray that when they leave, they go home hungering to study God's Word for themselves.

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