Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Even though Mammy was not either parent's mother or their grandmother, we four girls considered her our grandmother. When Mother would go to visit Mammy we four girls were more than willing to tag along. You see Mammy always had a cabinet full of homemade snacks which she would pull out upon our arrival or allow us to. Also in that cabinet were 2 liters of Pepsi products - sometimes all Pepsi & sometimes there was a variety. She would always serve the Pepsi in green & white striped plastic cups. Each cup probably held 12-16 oz. of liquid & had a handle to hold. We could sometimes imagine we were drinking coffee. Before pouring the Pepsi into the cup, Mammy would go to her refrigerator and get ice from the ice maker in the freezer - a novelty to us. Mammy also had a portable automatic dishwasher. We thought that was neat to see her move the dishwasher from the corner in her kitchen to the sink so she could wash dishes in it. When a movie about Helen Keller came on TV, my teacher required us to watch the movie & write a report. We didn't have a TV but Mother called Mammy & the whole family was invited to watch the movie on their TV. If we had a lot of company coming and all our bedrooms were needed, it was not a problem to call Mammy and ask if we girls could "room" with her. We loved playing Scrabble with her during those sleepovers. Of course she always won. I think she knew every word in the dictionary. It was harder for me when Mammy died than it was when my grandmother died.

Three of Mammy's great-grandchildren are at camp this week. Seeing them come through the serving line, I am reminded of all the hospitality shown us at Mammy's home. I am reminded of the many ways she treated us as granddaughters and am thankful she allowed us to call her Mammy. I thank the Lord for allowing me to know her. I also pray that each camper will experience a little of that same hospitality while here at camp. I don't think I ever heard Mammy say she loved the Lord but I saw the evidence of that love in her life. I pray I evidence His love in my life also.

1 comment:

JN said...

Beautiful! and Amen! Thanks for writing this.