Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm so tired!!!

Yesterday as I was leaving the office to help serve lunch, little W was on his way from his cabin to the dining room. He was way behind his cabin group. The last two counselors were trying to go as slow as he was, but that was hard for them. I greeted him and asked him how he was. "I'm so tired," was his reply. I had to get up at 6 this morning. I came all the way from and he named the area he was from. I chuckled to myself and wondered what he would be like on Friday morning.

This morning his parents called letting us know he wouldn't be there. When they awakened him he wasn't feeling well. They let him crawl back in bed. He fell right to sleep. I told the mother that when he woke up if he felt better she could bring him on. I figured he must not be feeling well because this camper is always ready to come to camp. We pray he is feeling better tomorrow & will be able to come. We also pray that these children will not get tired of hearing the truths from God's Word and will eagerly listen to the stories they are hearing and be able to apply them to their little lives.

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