Monday, June 8, 2009

Thank You!

Little A was new to the area last year. Through a friend from a church they were visiting they learned of our summer day camp program. A's family started sending A to camp. She came the rest of the summer.

Today A came for the first day of summer 2009 day camp. She is one of the ones who have signed up to come all summer. When her parents brought her today they commented how much A had enjoyed herself last year. If we didn't offer day camp all summer they would have to hire a babysitter & were afraid A would be in front of the TV all day. Here she gets to run, play, make crafts, swim & most importantly learn God's Word. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We so much appreciate this summer program you provide.

Will you pray for little A and the rest of the children who are coming for day camp? Will you pray they are attentive during the teaching of God's Word and that they will grow in their relationship with our Lord & Savior?

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