Thursday, May 17, 2012

Things Heard in the Classroom

One thing I have noticed in my subbing careers is that the younger students aren't sure whether you know how to teach (if it's your first time subbing in their classroom).  A few Fridays ago I subbed for Miss P's class.  The 2nd graders didn't know whether I knew how to teach.  Yes, I had been their sub for music, library and computer but never a WHOLE day.  Did I know what I was doing?  So to dispel anymore anxiety than had already been expressed, I announced to the class that Miss P had left her plans for me.  I would just follow them.  They had nothing to fear.  As I'm making that announcement to the children, I hold up the 2-3 sheets left for the children to see.  "Oh yes," one boy exclaimed.  "The torture list."

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