Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Meal

It's not even Thanksgiving & we've already had 2 Thanksgiving meals. I'm not a big fan of turkey so this season is one in which I get my fill for a while.

Tonight was the annual Thanksgiving dinner at Girls Inc. We were invited and John is usually asked to give the invocation. Usually he tries to "sneak" the plan of salvation into his prayer. Today he didn't but did ask the Lord to grow these girls into productive women. I heard a few "Amens" and "yes" to that.

Mother was able to go with us. When we arrived we were allowed to go on back to the gym & take a seat. We did and were able to sit with a few girls who come to Bible Club. One's grandmother & great grandmother were there with her. The other girl's mother was coming at 5. She was quite worried that her mother would not arrive. Her mother did arrive at 5 (like promised). As we were leaving, I introduced myself to her mother & commented that she is so well-behaved during Bible Club.

One man who I guess could be called a philanthropist has opened a savings account for each girl who attends Girls Inc. Today he announced that a pot was being created which contained $500. Each girl who made 2 deposits (of at least 25 cents/deposit) into her savings account between the first of November (2 had already made deposits) and the end of February, would be automatically entitled to some of the money in the pot - which would be put into their savings accounts. The girls were excited and one even said she had some money to put in her account. Also the girls who are new this year are to see the ladies in charge & they will make sure each girls gets her own savings account. Then one little girl (who comes to Bible club) played a song on her kazoo. I'm not sure what the song is but think it might have been called "The Climb". John then prayed.

Tables were dismissed one at a time to go through the line. We ended up at the table which was 3rd through the line. There was turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, macaroni & cheese, green beans, corn, sweet potatoes & bread. There were many desserts. We chose the cheesecake which had chocolate chips on it. Mother had pumpkin pie. One little girl (a kindergartener) at our table also had pumpkin pie. I enjoyed watching her. She would eat with her fork but get food all over her hands. Her napkin was on top of the table. But she didn't need it. She would just reach down & wipe her hands on her pants. I hoped it was all dry before her mother took her home.

Throughout the meal, other girls would come up & request to sing a song. The CEO allowed them to sing. They all did a good job.

We left & brought Mother home. Then went to Kroger. The parking lot was packed. I wanted to get my last minute groceries (as did all the other car drivers) and also a turkey which was 39 cents a pound if you had a $25 or more purchase. I knew we had that amount no problem. We got a 12+ pound turkey for under $5. I have stuck it in the freezer for after Thanksgiving. It will be good - when we are away from Thanksgiving for a few days/weeks.

Now my plans are to get a load of dishes going before turning in for the night. Tomorrow morning, I see the dentist at 10.30 & then will make my items for Thursday. I'm making Sally Lunn Bread & a white fruit cake. I realized after getting home from Kroger that I purchased almonds instead of pecans. So I don't know what I will do. Maybe run back to Kroger & get pecans. I was being so careful to make sure I left with pecans too... Oh well at least that was the only wrong item.

If I don't see you before Thursday...have a wonderful day filled with thanks for the many wonderful blessings which we have....the greatest being eternal life.

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