Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Best Friend

I was 13.  He was 15.  We were 2 of the non-athletic campers seated underneath the large shade tree (I don't know what kind it was.  Only that it was welcome relief from the hot sun during summer afternoon days.)  This was my first weekend at Teen Retreat.  My first time to be a camper the same time there were boys as campers.  I had been looking forward to attending Teen activities at camp for about 2 years.  One reason was that I could get away from my younger sisters.  The other reason was that there would be boys.

As we sat under that tree, we shared our backgrounds with each other.  He was in 8 grade.  I was in 7 grade.  He had visited family who lived in east Germany.  I had visited family who lived in northern parts of the US.  We shared our mutual dislike for gym class at school because it was not an encouragement to those of us who were athletically-challenged. 

I left Bible camp that weekend excited about a new friend I had made.  I couldn't wait until the summer camp week.  I looked forward to becoming reacquainted with this boy.  Unbeknownst to me we were going to visit Grandma during the teen week.  It would be alright for me to attend a junior week (with just girls...and with my sisters).  So I missed him that summer.  The next summer arrived and he was in east Germany visiting his family.  I'm sure we must have attended spring and fall teen retreats together but I was looking forward to spending a whole week with him as campers.  2 years later we finally were together at teen week.  But by that time I had become very shy around boys & had difficulty talking with them...unless they were someone whom I had known for several years on a somewhat consistent basis. 

I observed him from a distance though.  And slowly realized over time that he might be a potential lifelong mate.  He was sensitive to other's feelings, a good listener, would go out of his way to make the load a little easier, to name a few.  One big plus was that he was willing to help the older staff members in whatever way they needed help.  But the most important quality was that he loved the Lord and wanted to serve Him in whatever way He directed.

We went our separate ways but stayed in touch through camp.  I started teaching school and one year decided to counsel at camp that summer.  He ended up counseling also.  Sitting in counselor training week, I remember thinking (it was like I was hit over the head with this thought), "if you're going to marry this boy, you'll have to be able to talk with him".  I remember making it a point to seek him out to talk with him.  And would you believe our conversations were just as easy flowing as they had been that very first spring retreat under that shade tree.  

One August day I had taken a lady from church to an appointment.  Upon arriving home there was a message on my answering machine that this boy had been in an accident.  He had been almost to his job site when the accident occurred.  I arranged to go to the hospital the next day.  I would ride over with the ministry director (from the camp we attended).  I didn't know this boy's parents so wasn't sure how they would respond to my being there.  We stayed only a short time.  I chose to go back 2-3 days later.  Every 2-3 days I would make a trek to the hospital.  But not before much time in prayer making sure this was what I should do.  My one fear was that I would ruin the friendship we had.

During his stay in the hospital there was a news report that a set of parents had died and the children ages 5 and 3 years were in that same hospital.  That brought back too many memories of many years earlier when I was the 5 year old in a different hospital with my 3 year old sister.  All sorts of emotions rushed through my head.  What if I saw those children (I knew I probably wouldn't but what if)?  Would I be able to handle it?  Would it be like seeing myself 21 years earlier?  So I stayed home.  I couldn't force myself to go to the hospital.

Very shortly I received a call from his mother.  Would I please come visit him?  So I took a deep breath and drove myself over there.  Praying the whole time that I would not see those children.  I also prayed that if I should see those children that the Lord would give me the stamina I needed to get my visiting done and get myself home.  I did not see those children and had a wonderful time visiting him.

He was released from the hospital and we started doing a few things together just as friends.  A Thursday evening might find us grocery shopping together.  Saturday might find us at a local warehouse club with his parents.  Sunday we might decide to combine our lunches so as not to eat alone. 

Two years later he placed a ring on my finger and then five months later, he gave me his last name.  This adventure has lasted for 18 years already and I'm looking forward to many, many more.  I never knew that my love for him would continue to grow.  He is truly my best friend and I am thankful we are traveling this road together.   

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Starting a New Job

I debated what to title this post...should I title it "Ask & It Will Be Given...Eventually"?  Or how about "Patience Is a Virtue"?  I even thought about "Not My Timing".  I finally settled on the above "Starting a New Job".

About 20 years ago, I had my first experience with a temp agency.  Out of desperation because substituting wasn't paying the bills, I walked into a temp agency.  The older lady was very nice and immediately placed me in a job.  The company was looking for a full-time employee so when the required number of days were completed, they hired me full time.  I could have been hired before the required number of days but there would be a buy-out fee the company would have to pay to the temp agency.  Most companies are willing to let the temp agency have their required days.  That company down-sized a few years later and since I was the last one hired into my department I was the first one to go from that department.  I was getting married in a little less than two months so didn't really look for a job until after the wedding.  I did do some more temp jobs but they were just temp jobs...moving the previous year's records to storage, etc.  

Two and a half years ago while I was subbing & before I worked at the radio station, I applied through another temp agency.  The one I had used previously was going out of business...or at least the owner wasn't pursuing jobs.  Working through this temp agency has been a little different...some may be because it's a different place but I think the majority has been the eighteen years since I last did work through a temp agency.  This agency would call when there was a potential job, ask if I were interested in the job and then set up a time for me to go interview with the company.  I had one interview shortly after applying but that was not for me.  During the next two years, I had an opportunity for at least 2 other interviews but for some reason an interview could never be set up.  I was a little disappointed but kept telling myself the Lord did not want me in that position.  Then last summer, I received THE CALL.

Very nervously I went for an interview with this company and was hired (through the temp agency) on the spot.  I started working part-time the following week so I could serve out a two week notice to the radio station.  I worked at the radio station in the afternoon so that was able to be worked out.  Ninety days after beginning temporary employment the company hired me full-time. 

Starting a new job is both exciting and scary.  There are things to be learned even if you've done similar jobs.  The computer program with which I am working is one I'm familiar with but there are still things I am learning.  Ways this company uses the program that I've not used in the other two jobs.  Learning people is also another part of a new job.  Much clarification has to go on when beginning a new job until you get some understanding what the new people mean when they say such & such.  There are still questions asked but I have learned now how to ask questions to different people.  You know you might be able to ask one person "why is the pricing different?" and they will be able to tell you...whereas another person you might have to be more specific "the pricing on line 3 on the invoice is $x more than listed on the purchase it okay to go ahead with getting the invoice ready to be paid or should I wait on different pricing?".  

While I feel I have settled into this job pretty well, there are still times I feel like a newbie.  Sometimes it's something I have only done once or twice since I've been there and have to ask is this how I do this.  I have just been given another responsibility so I am having the operations manager sit beside me while I go through this new responsibility just so I get it done correctly.  I actually tried to do one of these on my own and did something incorrectly so tomorrow we will sit together and he will walk me through the process again.  I have more than one of this type of invoice to process so hopefully doing more than one will solidify the process more in my mind.

I'm also trying to remember to pray for the business, the owner and my co-workers.  I heard a speaker on the radio the other day say something to the effect what business owner wouldn't want a Christian praying for his business.  He then listed several outcomes of an employee praying for the company and I have felt compelled to pray for this company.  I have prayed for the Christian businesses for which I have worked but never had I prayed for a secular business as a whole.  I prayed for different co-workers as they had need but never a conscious effort to pray for a secular business.  Now as I lay in bed at night waiting for sleep to come either at the beginning of the night or after awakening in the middle of the night, I pray for my husband and then the company and all there.  Then if I'm still awake I pray as the Lord brings to mind.

I think I've done enough rambling for the night so will close for now.  As always thank you, my family & friends, for your prayers.