Friday, October 16, 2009

Teen Retreat

This weekend is teen retreat. No pb&j sandwiches were served this evening. They all took lasagne & from what I can tell they all liked the homemade stuff. Thanks Aunt BJ, for sharing the recipe via the faculty wives' cookbook. Tomorrow morning is biscuits & gravy and then taco salad for lunch. John has some cousins here as campers this weekend. One of them has already asked for taco salad. His hair is growing quite long so John told him that if he had his haircut, John would make taco salad for lunch. The cousin thought about it for a few minutes...then realized John was teasing him. John has not told him that is what we're having for lunch tomorrow.

The Dave Ramsey class tonight was a good they all are. He is able to share good guidelines via humor. Tonight's video was a little over an hour but you did not realize you had sat there for an hour.

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