Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of a Chapter

Reading books is a favorite activity of mine. I love to start a new book, learn each character, see how the story unfolds in each chapter. I could even say my life to this point has been like a book. Some of the chapters are accepting the Lord as my Savior, teaching, marriage, coming to Bancroft. Each chapter has begun with the unknown and the anticipation of the Lord using it to develop me into the woman He desires.

A new chapter is beginning in our lives. We feel the Lord is calling us from Bancroft. We will be leaving this month. We are committing our future to the Lord and anticipating His directing us. We covet your prayers as we start this next chapter.

Thank you for supporting us with your prayers and finances. You have been such an encouragement and example of the Lord's love to us. All gifts designated for us that arrive by October 1 will be transferred to us. Gifts received after October 1 will be returned to the sender. If you wish to continue to financially support the work of Bancroft, you are welcome to send checks with the note for the general fund.

We love you!

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