After having not had Bible club for what seemed like forever, we were able to get back today. The girls were very excited to see us. One little girl (who used to be very faithful) came back outside to tell us she would not be able to be in club today because she was taking art. From my understanding the girls who take art go on a field trip every week to the Renaissance Center. It is here the seniors (age 55+) have their art displayed. A member of the seniors group will give the girls art instructions. These "art" girls have committed to attend every Thursday. If they see us come in they are torn between art & Bible club BUT have to keep their commitment to art.
The program director is leaving Girls Inc. and the CEO has hired a new girl to take her place. This lady (really) grew up in the church we attend. I have been on a few Ladies Retreats with her & her mother. She was there today & we were able to greet her for a few minutes before the girls were dismissed to their activities.
As we entered our room today, we noticed they have attached a door to the room. That was very nice today. It was able to cut the hallway noise almost completely out. Fortunately there is a window on the door so the leaders could get a count of which girls were in our room.
Before the girls were told to clean up the gym & line up on their lines for sign-up, I overheard 2 girls talking. Girl A says, "B, she said she didn't like you either." Girl B replies, "So, who cares". Girl A "I guess no one." I kind of laughed to myself. And inwardly commended Girl B for her attitude.
We started out with about 9 girls. 7 of them ended up leaving within the first 5 minutes. 3 more came in during the next 5 minutes. We had a new girl today. She is in kindergarten. I cringed when I realized she was so young. My experience with this age girl for Bible club is they usually can't sit still. She sat very prim & proper. Back straight, not touching the back of the chair, arms folded in her lap. Legs dangling from the chair but not swinging back & forth. Her eyes were focused on the lesson. She walked in with another girl who announced her as being a new girl. "And she doesn't even know what Bible Club means," the introducer said with a sound of tsk tsk in her voice. "Well, I don't know what is done in Bible club but I do know what the Bible is," the new girl corrected.
Sunday School Charlie, Red & Preston have been locked in one of Preston's dads trucks at the Triangle Trucking Company. The supervisor has gone home for the weekend & won't be back until Monday. Red, Preston & Charlie are sure they will be stuck in that truck until then when they hear Preston's dog sniffing outside. Preston yells at the dog & tells him to get dad. Preston's dad comes & reprimands the boys for hiding in the truck & not telling the supervisor. They apologize & go home. The next day in Sunday School the teacher, Mr. Brown, reminds the boys they are playing for either God's team or Satan's team. Satan tries his hardest to discourage the players on God's team. The boys are given a chance to tell how they have been discouraged or tempted to do wrong. But Mr. Brown reminds the boys that because they're playing on God's team they have this wonderful 5 letter F...forgiveness, A...assurance, I...identification, T...triumph, H...hope. Each letter is written on a shield. He then places a wordstrip HEAVEN on the board. We have heaven to which to look forward. Taking the 5 shields, he turns them upside down & places them behind the HEAVEN forming somewhat of a crown. The boys are reminded that we'll be rewarded crowns in heaven for our faithfulness here on earth. The next Saturday arrives & Charlie gets to the ballgame. Bushy & the gang are there and tempt Charlie even further to throw the game. They had stolen Charlie's Sunday School pin & won't give it to him unless their team wins. We ended today's story with Charlie trying to decide what to do. One little girl said it was very mean of me to just end the story & not tell them what happens next.
John came up & led them in some songs....(Sit down & whisper if you love my Jesus, Stop, Go, I'm a Missionary's Helper, Do you know that you've been born again, Let's talk about Jesus, & Father Abraham).
I then came up & played the Ants game with them. One team just couldn't quite figure out how to play. They never got any points. The other team "won" with 89 points.
After finishing & dismissing the girls, we left for Johnson City to visit a friend in the hospital. We had a nice visit & then came home.
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