Thursday is a day I view with mixed emotions. During the afternoon, we have a Bible club at a local after school childcare facility. I look forward to spending time with the girls. I love seeing how excited they get when they realize it is Bible Club day. I enjoy getting to know them a little more each week. I feel honored & privileged that the Lord is allowing me this opportunity to share His love with these girls - some of whom may not hear of Him every day.
Just as much as I love Thursdays, I also dread Thursdays. If anything can go wrong on Thursday it will. Today we stopped in the local salvage store to get some individually wrapped snack cakes to take to the girls for their treat. We were running late and wouldn't you know this would be the Thursday that all of Kingsport was shopping. We had trouble finding a parking spot. The line was all the way to the back of the store. We left and went to a local grocery store to purchase a treat for the girls. Finding our treat we headed for the front of the store to the one free cashier. Just as we were within reach, a family with a very full buggy stepped in front of us. We quickly found the do it yourself register and purchased our treats.
We got to the childcare facility just in time. They whisked us to our room. We scurried around to get the room set up. And then waited & waited & waited. It took them awhile to get the girls lined up. Then there were some "housekeeping" issues to get taken care of while the girls were on the line. Finally the girls arrived (25 minutes late). The room in which we have Bible club is located right next to the gymnasium. The door to the room has been removed so there is no way to close out the distractions coming from that area. Today I just felt like crying as soon as the girls arrived.
But then this most wonderful PEACE - which I know could only come from the Lord - came over me. This year I am going through the Life of Christ. Today's Bible story was on the birth of Jesus and the shepherds' visit. As I was telling the story, the girls were all listening. They loved hearing the Christmas story. At the end of the story, I usually hear how "my" story differs from how they hear it in Sunday School - i.e. it's not as long, my teacher said there were 3 shepherds, etc. Today as they were telling me how they heard the story in Sunday School, one little girl said that she used to go to Sunday School but the church had closed their doors. She could no longer go to Sunday School. That has haunted me all evening. As an adult, I would find another church to attend. But this little girl who has to rely on someone to take her to church does not have that same choice.
Oh Father, please guard the words of my mouth. Let them be pleasing to You. Please let this little girl see You in me. Grow her to be a lady who brings honor & glory to You.
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