Sunday, July 9, 2017

Daylily Trip

Today found us going on a road trip to Blue Ridge Daylilies over in Asheville, NC.  They were hosting a multi-club day in the garden.  Several different daylily clubs attended the event.  There were about 13 from our club in attendance.  

We parked the car across the road from the garden.  As we crossed the little footbridge into the garden, these ducks greeted us on the right side.  They were fun to watch.  As we were winding down our time at the garden, I spent a bit of time with my eyes glued on the ducks.

The garden's layout was pleasing to the eyes.  The daylilies were in the center with large plants around the edges.  The large plants made it easy to forget that you were right on the side of a road.  The fragrance from the daylilies was intoxicating.  With it being morning when we arrived the ground was still wet.  So grass, mud and other debris was easily collected on one's shoes.

Every hour a drawing was held for a 2017 daylily introduction.  They were worth at least $100.  Neither John nor I won a daylily.  A lunch of pork barbecue, hamburger and hot dogs was provided.  One's stomach appreciated the refreshment after working up an appetite wandering around the gardens.

One of the things I enjoyed was the garden art. Here are two samples of the many works of art seen throughout the garden.


The TN welcome center provided a rest stop on the way back home.  These are 2 quilts that were on display in the welcome center.  I always think it feels good to see the sign that says Welcome to Tennessee.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Bridal Shower

After I graduated college, I went to FL for a possible job.  The job did not work out but I had some neat experiences during that process.  I was able to spend a little time with a former counselor from the camp which I attended during my childhood and teen years.  I do not remember this counselor but my great-uncle, Martin Perry, told me I needed to get in touch with her.  He may have even called her to tell her to take care of me.

For a few weeks during my stay in FL, I stayed with this former camp counselor and her family.  She and her husband had been married ten years at that point.  One afternoon she told me that at the ten year marriage celebration, a bride should be thrown another bridal shower.  By that time most of the things received at your shower were on their last leg if not already disposed.  I remember thinking that was kind of silly.  But....

When we had been married ten years I thought back to that stay thought yes I understood.  My kitchen and bath towels are looking very used.  Move forward another nine will be twenty years next April.  Some of those very used kitchen and bath towels have been disposed of.  Some are saved for emergencies.  There are other things I think I'd like to get another one of that or some more of those.

One item that has disappeared is the lid to our blender.  

We spent out twelfth year of marriage living in an apartment.  While there I sent the insert to our blender lid down the food disposal.  I love my glass blender (a gift from a brother and sister in law) so I improvise.  I place a salad plate face down on top of the lid before I hit the start button.


Another item I would like to replace is a nesting bowl.

Another brother gave us a set of four nesting bowls.  They have been well used.  The large bowl broke several years ago as we were mixing up some Christmas presents.  It was used for mixing cakes, cookies, salads, etc. and also storing food items in the fridge.  It is missed. 

 Some other items I'd like are more small glass lidded bowls in which to store small amounts of leftovers (or my next day lunch), another food processor, some new spatulas, etc.

If you could have another bridal shower what are some things you'd like to replace, replenish, restock?