Thursday, February 21, 2013

Things Heard in the Classroom

One day last week, I was subbing in the junior high department.  It was a certain student's time to be in the classroom.  He & I know this one lady who is not involved in the school.  Usually he likes to give me a message from her. 

His class was in the classroom first period.  Halfway through the class period, he saunters up to where I was standing.  Exhaling very loudly, he says in a very tired voice, "I don't see how you old people survive.  I'm nowhere near that old but feel like I'm ninety."  

Monday, February 18, 2013

1000 gifts #18

171.  Hubby getting a job
172.  Hubby getting $2 more an hour than told
173.  Apartment F18
174.  Cousins helping Dad with hay
175.  Cousins & brother-in-law helping us move
176.  14 children in attendance intro night of Precept
177.  Hubby getting overtime work
178.  First cooked meal at F18 - sour cream marinated chicken
179.  Hubby knowing manual when needed
180.  Precept leaders

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Things Heard in the Classroom

I subbed for a week and a half for a teacher who was on a school sponsored trip.  Close to the end of that time period, one 8th grade student asked me how to write a lowercase "f" in cursive.  I wrote one on the board.  A few minutes later same student asked me how to write a lowercase "b" in cursive.  I wrote that on the board.  The student spent quite a bit of time studiously working on the assignment.  "You know", the student said, "I'm going to bring back the lost art of cursive writing."  How I wish it were always that easy to motivate students to do their work...although I had nothing to do with the motivation.

Monday, February 4, 2013

1000 gifts #17

161.  hubby choosing a product remembering my allergies
162.  boxes being brought home from warehouse
163.  warm house to keep out of the ice
164.  silhouette of a deer in the yard at night
165.  family
166.  church family
167.  sun-kissed sheets
168.  safe trip to a small town in VA for a funeral visitation of a former camper
169.  hubby having a good interview
170.  hubby having a good working interview