Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Mexico bound

Once again our church is going to New Mexico on a mission trip. This trip we are leading 2 Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) each day. One in the morning & one in the evening. The leftover VBS material from the church has been shipped to use as a resource.

I am directing the 2 VBS. I figure how hard can this be. It should basically be Bible Club but I will have help. Now mind you I realize that 2x a day for 4 days a week will equal 8 Bible clubs. But I'm getting ready.

Last night as I was trying to sleep, I was worrying about how to tell the Bible stories. As I drifted off to sleep my mind kept returning to Sunday School Charlie. I told myself that during lunch today I would look at the SS Charlie stories I have.

My head started hurting something horrible so I came home for lunch early thinking maybe a few minutes nap would help relieve the headache. I sat on the couch with my feet propped up but couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about SS Charlie & trying to figure out which story would work best. The first one has a lot to do with's a good story...but I wasn't too comfortable taking that one with me. The 3rd story was about a Little League ball game. I could take that one...but just didn't feel comfortable. The 2nd one seemed to keep popping up in my head. So I got up from my nap and looked for the #2 Sunday School Charlie story. I found it and read through the story. 2 of the 4 Bible stories (in the VBS curriculum) are included in this lesson. Day 1 talks about them going to chapel but does not have a Bible story so I can include one in there. The last day ends at a campfire service...the way that lesson is presented I can add the other Bible story to it. The stories will just be done in a different order than in the VBS manual.

Also I was a little apprehensive about taking flannelgraph with me because I do not know if there will be a flannel board where we're going to be serving. But I have lots of extra felt so I can find a large piece, pack it & when we stop at Wal-mart ask if I could have a box and make a board if there is not one. So now all I have to do is go through my Life of Christ manuals & pull the 2 stories on Zacchaeus & feeding the 5000. That shouldn't be hard at all.

SS Charlie is a 5 day lesson. So I will combine days 2 & 3. I just now need to decide what I can leave out of those 2 days that won't affect the story.

Now if I could just find a bunch of old keys. I could spray paint them gold & use that as my wrapped up item. (A gold key is lost in this SS Charlie story).

Still thinking, planning and praying but seeing more and more the Lord who goes before us in each of our endeavors.