Camp has ended for the summer. This year our board of directors changed things around a little bit. Even though I was apprehensive of the changes (I do not like change), I feel the summer went very well. In short, instead of having 1 week of day camp and 5 weeks of overnight camps, we had 3 overnight weeks and 8 daycamp weeks. There was a great bond developed between the campers who came every week.
Instead of having different speakers this summer. We had the same speaker each week. During the first week of day camp, he started with basics. Who created God? How did God's Word come to be? How many men did God use to write down His word? How many years did it take? From there, he talked about creation and continued on ending the last week of camp with the story of Noah. Several of the children left wondering what happens after Noah. Hopefully they will keep that wondering throughout this school year and come to camp next year.
Having grown up (and still living) in the Bible Belt, I do not have the chance to meet many people who have no knowledge of Jesus. Most people I meet know a little. This summer we had several children who had never heard the Bible stories I grew up hearing. They had never sat through a Sunday School class and watched the teacher put up the flannelgraph pictures. They had never been to a Vacation Bible School and made crafts using macaroni, cardboard, glitter, etc. My heart aches for these children. Have we prepared them enough for what they will encounter this school year? Have we been enough of an example of Jesus Christ to them that when they come up against the world, they will be able to remember what they have seen, experienced? Even though at the beginning of the summer 11 weeks seemed like a long time, I now wonder have we done enough? I know all I can now do is leave these precious children in the hands of their Creator who loves them much more than I. He will take care of them.